GCHV Supports Control Effort to Battle Cocronavirus & Resume Work


On February 10th, the longest Spring Festival holiday officially ended, and the life of pressing the pause button under the cocronavirus outbreak has resume. On the first day of resumption of work, in order to resolutely win the battle against outbreak, GCHV took multiple measures to comprehensively do a good job in prevention and control.

Infection Control at GCHV

 Set up an internal emergency team for employee status observation,enviormental cleaning&disinfection,health education and supply preparation. This team is providing 24/7 employee support for those who need help and offer interim guidance aganist the coronavirus.


 Resume work from febuary 10,2020, per the government mandatory requirements.Implemented an online health tracking program to collect employee’s daily health status.

 Temperature measurement and disinfection facilities are set up at the entrance of the office building. Employees need to register, take a temperature measurement, and wear a mask to enter the factory area or office.

 Applied a 14 day observation period for people arriving from Hubei.

Shoulder Socail Resposibility: Donate to Combat Cocronavirus

 On February 10, dozens of DC inverter VRF and fresh air equipment supplied by gchv were sent to Siyang County People's Hospital, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province. Prevention and control.